After studying Marketing, Philippe joined the family business in order to increase the sales and to modernize the structure. For five years, he toured in Belgium and Southern Europe in search of new customers and suppliers.
Feeling that his future was elsewhere, he joined in 1998 one of the largest international IT recruitment firms. He started as a consultant and quickly rose. Sr Consultant in 1999, he climbed into the Top 5 European recruiters of the company. His efforts led him to manage the Belgian entity (20 consultants) for 3 years and establish the group’s ambitions for France.
It was then that he began a profound reflection on the recruitment, its methods and its abuses. This reflection will lead him to create his own firm in 2004 in order to offer a different approach, more focused on quality.
Since then, he occupies the position of General Manager and is responsible, with his team, for the recruitment & selection of Sales & Marketing / Communication profiles.
Since then, he has held the position of General Manager and is responsible, with his team, for the recruitment of profiles.